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The Middle Daughter


Arriving in kids fashion-land in 1991 after ten years of creating some of London’s most decadent parties, under the mantle of Pushca, Ric & Deborah then spent the next two decades building the no added sugar brand.
Saying goodbye to the brand in 2018 presented a fortuitous opportunity to reflect and consider what the next adventure should be. Taking the metaphoric clean sheet of paper they have devised a new story - that story is The Middle Daughter.
The Middle Daughter is exclusively a girls wear brand for ages 2 -14 years. The concept is to create styles that draw the eye. An innate love of the paired back is blended with the itch to stand out to offer a unique proposition for the modern girl.
A well-made garment is a focus, as is sustainability, thus all production is in Europe.
The distinctive handwriting of the former brand is evident yet imbued with this pared-back spin. As is the mindset; less obsessive about building an empire and more inspired to simply enjoy journeying with this new girl, wherever she may choose to go.

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